Monday, August 8, 2011

Five More Days

The days are finally dwindling down!  I will be headed to Lawton on Wednesday, with Family Day on Thursday and then Graduation on Friday.  Finally, I can just say, "Oh yeah, it's Friday."  Not next Friday, or in ten nine ... two weeks.  I am so, so ready.

This past week, the soldiers executed their 16 km march, but the bivouacking that was planned had to be canceled because of the heat.  D said in a letter that five soldiers had fallen out within two hours due to heat injuries, so they "simulated" their training in the Battery Area.  NIC-at-Night was re-cancelled and so was Night Navigation.  Their march was rescheduled from 2200 to 0300 - D said it took until 0830 or so to finish.  I can't even imagine, especially in this heat.  The soldiers also began returning their equipment - like their M16s.

We had rain at our residence yesterday, which kept the temperature down in the 90s, but no such luck for Lawton.  When I talked to D yesterday, he said it was 108F.  He also mentioned that for the last 8 days, it had been between 108 and 111F every day.  So glad he's coming home to rest in the AC!

This coming week is all about preparing for graduation.  More equipment must be turned in and then the battery must meet for inspection.  D is supposed to retrieve his ACUs and Dress Uniform from the cleaners today.  Wednesday is graduation practice. And then our reunion!

Last night was definitely the most difficult phone call to date.  We've spent all the time away from each other, and here it is, the resulting simultaneous stress and relief culminating in a single phone call.  We didn't want to hang up - only being able to hear your significant others' voice once a week is not easy and not something I would wish on anyone - but we also wanted it to end simply because the end of that day brings our reunion another one closer.  So close.

And here we are.  BCT is drawing to a close, and then we only have drill to look forward to once a month for the next several months to come.  It will be relief beyond words to have my D at home with me again.  I've been resisting the urge to pack, but you better believe that my packing list is at the ready!

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